基金合同的终止(Termination of the Fund Contract) |
出现下列情形之一的,基金合同应当终止: 1、基金合同期限届满而未延期的; 2、基金份额持有人大会决定终止的; 3、基金管理人、基金托管人职责终止,在六个月内没有新基金管理人、新基金托管人承接的; 4、基金合同约定的其他情形。 基金合同终止时,基金管理人应当组织清算组对基金财产进行清算。清算组由基金管理人、基金托管人以及相关的中介服务机构组成。自基金合同终止之日起,与基金有关的所有交易应立即停止。在基金清算小组组成并接管基金财产之前,基金管理人和基金托管人应按照基金合同和托管协议的规定继续履行保护基金财产安全的职责。 清算小组作出的清算报告经会计师事务所审计,律师事务所出具法律意见书后,报国务院证券监督管理机构备案并公告。 清算后的剩余基金财产,应当按照基金份额持有人所持份额比例进行分配。
Termination of the Fund Contract The Fund Contract shall be terminated in any of the following circumstances: 1. the term of the Fund Contract expires without extension; 2. the general meeting of fund share holders decides to terminate the Fund Contract; 3. the responsibilities of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian are terminated and no new fund manager and fund custodian takes over the responsibilities of the original fund manager and fund custodian; or 4. Other circumstances specified in the Fund Contract.
When the Fund Contract is terminated, the Fund Manager shall organize a liquidation group to liquidate the fund property. The liquidation group shall be composed of the Fund Manager, the Fund Custodian and the relevant intermediary service organizations. All transactions related to the Fund shall be immediately stopped from the termination date of the Fund Contract. Before the liquidation group is established and takes over the fund property, the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall continuously perform their responsibilities for protecting the safety of the fund property in accordance with the provisions of the Fund Contract and the Custody Agreement. After the liquidation report prepared by the liquidation group is audited by an accounting firm and a law firm issues a written legal letter, the report shall be submitted to the securities regulatory authority of the State Council for putting on record and be announced. The fund property left after liquidation shall be distributed in the proportions of fund units held by fund share holders.