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一、 公司基本情况简介
二、 会计数据和业务数据摘要
  (一) 公司本年度主要会计数据
  (二) 公司前三年主要会计数据和财务指标
  (三) 报告期内股东权益变动情况
三、 股东变动及股东情况
四、 董事、监事、高级管理人员和员工情况
  (一) 董事、监事、高级管理人员和员工情况
  (二) 公司员工情况
五、 公司治理结构
  (一) 公司治理情况
  (二) 独立董事履行职责情况
  (三) 公司控股股东与公司的关系
  (四) 关于高级管理人员绩效评价与激励约束机制
六、 股东大会情况简介
  (一) 股东大会的通知、召集、召开情况
  (二) 股东大会通过的决议及披露情况
  (三) 公司选举、更换董事、监事情况
七、 董事会报告
  (一) 公司经营情况
  (二) 报告期内投资情况
  (三) 报告期内财务状况
  (四) 生产经营环境以及宏观政策、法规变化对公司的影响
  (五) 新年度经营计划
  (六) 董事会日常工作情况
  (七) 本次利润分配预案或资本公积金转增股本预案
  (八) 其他需要披露事项
八、 董事会报告
  (一) 董事会会议情况及决议内容
  (二) 公司监事会对以下事项发表独立意见
九、 重要事项
  (一) 重大诉讼、仲裁事项
  (二) 公司收购、出售资产及吸收合并事项的简要情况及进程
  (三) 重大关联交易事项
  (四) 公司重大合同及其履行情况
  (五) 公司或持股5%以上股东承诺事项
  (六) 公司支付年度审计费用情况
  (七) 公司接受监管部门稽查情况
  (八) 其他重大事项
十、 财务报告
十一、 备查文件目录


  (一) 载有公司法定代表人、财务总监及会计主管人员签名并盖章的会计报表;
  (二) 载有会计师事务所盖章、注册会计师签名并盖章的审计报告原件;
  (三) 报告期内在中国证监会指定报刊上公开披露过的所有公司文件的正本及公告原稿。文件存放地:公司董事会办公室




Important Notice

The board of directors of this company and all its directors guarantee that there are no fraudulent disclosures, misleading statements or material omissions in this report and shall be individually and jointly responsible for its truthfulness, accuracy and integrity.

The Financial Statements have been audited, and for which XXX Accounting Firm has been issued qualified opinions.

Table of Contents

I Company Profile

II Abstract of Accounting Data and Business Data
(1) Main accounting data of the year
(2) Major accounting data and financial indicators for the latest three years
(3) Changes in shareholders’ equity during the period reported

III Changes of Capital Shares and Situation of Shareholders
(1) Changes of capital shares
(2) Situations of shareholders

IV Survey of Directors, Supervisors and High Management Personnel, and Employees
(1) Directors, supervisors, and high management personnel
(2) Employees

V Corporate Governance Structure
(1) Corporate governance
(2) Performance of functions of independent directors
(3) Relationship between the controlling shareholders and the company
(4) Performance evaluation, incentive and constraining system of high management

VI Brief Introduction to Shareholder’s Meeting
(1) Notices, convening and holding of Shareholder’s Meeting
(2) Resolutions and disclosure of the Shareholder’s Meeting
(3) Corporate election and replacement of directors and supervisors

VII Report on Meeting of Board of Directors
(1) Corporate operations
(2) Investment of the reported period
(3) Finance of the reported period
(4) Production and operation environment and the influences of the changes of macro-policies and laws and regulations on the company
(5) New annual operation plans
(6) Routine work of the Board of directors
(7) Draft plans on profit distribution and on addition of equity shares
(8) Other matters to be disclosed

VIII Report on Meeting of Board of Supervisors
(2) Meeting of the Board of supervisors and the content of the resolutions
(3) Independent opinions of the Board of supervisors on the following matters

IX Important Issues
(1) Material events of actions and arbitrations
(2) Brief description of the M&A, sales of assets and absorption and progress
(3) Principal associated transactions
(4) Principal contracts and performance
(5) Commitments of the shareholders with individual holding of no less than 5% shares
(6) Payment of annual auditing expenses
(7) Supervision by regulatory authorities
(8) Other material events

X Financial Statements

XI List of Documents For Inspection

(Main Body Omitted)

XI List of Documents For Inspection

(I) Financial Statements bearing the signatures and seals of the corporate legal representative, CFO and responsible personnel of the accounting.

(II) Original copy of the Audit Reports bearing the signatures and seals of the Accounting Firm and Certified Public Accountants.

(III) All original corporate documents and announcements, as disclosed in periodicals appointed by the CSRC within the reported period.

Place for keeping and filing of the document: Office of the Board of Directors of the Company

Beijing XXX Co., Ltd.
Board of Directors
March 15, 2003

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