基金的财产 |
(基金招募说明书节选) 一. 基金资产总值 基金资产总值是指运用基金募集资金购买的各类有价证券、银行存款本息和基金应收的申购基金款以及其他投资形成的价值总和。
二. 基金资产净值 基金资产净值是指基金财产总值减去负债后的价值。
三. 基金财产的账户 基金托管人代表本基金,以托管人和本基金联名的方式开立证券账户,以本基金名义在托管银行开立银行存款账户并报中国证监会备案。基金托管人以自身名义在中国证券登记结算有限责任公司开立结算备付金账户,用于办理基金托管人所托管的包括本基金在内的全部基金在证券交易场所进行证券投资所涉及的资金结算业务。本基金账户与基金管理人、基金托管人、基金销售代理人、注册登记人自有资产账户以及其他基金财产账户相独立。
四.基金财产的处分 1、本基金财产独立于基金管理人、基金托管人的固有财产。基金管理人、基金托管人不得将本基金财产归入其固有财产。 2、基金管理人、基金托管人因本基金财产的管理、运用或者其他情形而取得的财产和收益,归入本基金财产。 3、基金管理人、基金托管人因依法解散、被依法撤销或者被依法宣告破产等原因进行清算的,本基金财产不属于其清算财产。 4、基金财产的债权,不得与基金管理人、基金托管人固有财产的债务相抵销;不同基金财产的债权债务,不得相互抵销。 5、非因本基金财产本身承担的债务,不得对本基金财产强制执行。 6、除依据法律法规、基金合同及其他有关规定处分外,基金财产不得被处分。 Property of the Fund (I) Total asset value of the fund Total asset value of the fund refers to the sum of marketable securities purchased with the proceeds raised from offering of the fund, principals and interests of bank deposits, amount receivable for subscription of the fund and the value formed by other investments. (II) NAV of the fund NAV of the fund is the value of the fund property less the fund liabilities. (III) Accounts of fund property The Fund Custodian shall open joint securities accounts on behalf of the Fund in the joint name of the Fund and the Fund Custodian, and open bank deposit accounts in name of the Fund with the custody bank, which would be reported to CSRC for filing. The Fund Custodian shall open the account of settlement provisions in its own name with China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation for handling fund settlement businesses relating to the securities investments on stock exchanges for all the funds including this Fund under Fund Custodian’s custody. The accounts of the Fund shall be segregated from the owned asset accounts of the Fund Manager, the Fund Custodian, the Fund sales agencies, and the Registrar, as well as the property accounts of other funds. (IV) Disposal of the fund property 1. The Fund property shall be independent of the owned property of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian. The Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian shall not include the property of the Fund in their own properties. 2. The property and incomes acquired by the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian arising from the management and use of the Fund property shall be included in the property of the Fund. 3. In case of liquidation of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian due to dissolution by force of law, revocation by force of law or bankruptcy declared by force of law, the property of the Fund does not account for the property to be liquidated. 4. The credit of the fund property should not set off against the debts of the owned property of the Fund Manager and the Fund Custodian; and the credits and the debts of the property of different funds should not set off against each other. 5. Liabilities assumed other than as a result of the property of the Fund itself shall not be enforced against the property of the Fund. 6. Unless otherwise disposed of by laws and regulations, the Fund Contract and other provisions, the fund property shall not be disposed of.