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要: 本文就中文法律行文简洁、明了、言简意赅的特点,探讨 中译英时应 遵循 “重神似不重形似”原则的重要性,用实例印证,指出对中文法律用语深层次的理解是做好法律翻译、保证 译入语 准确的关键。

关键词: 重神似;法律翻译; 译入语

Abstract: On the basis of an analytical observation of a series of sample translations, this article discusses how the principle of “seeking agreement in essence, not in form” is to be applied to the translation of legal documents from Chinese into English. This principle originates in the linguistic characteristics of Chinese legal documents; and guarantees the fidelity of translation and the acceptance of target texts.

Key words: principle, legal documents, target texts


从文体学来讲法律文件是属于公文文体。与其它文体翻译,如文学翻译,新闻翻译一样,做好法律文件的翻译最重要的一点是要遵循翻译的基本原则,在翻译理论的指导下进行翻译实践。我们在探讨研究法律文件的翻译时,应研究我国翻译界前辈创立的翻译理论。我们的前辈创立了一整套的翻译理论:从严复的“信、达、雅”,林语堂的“忠实、通顺、美”,到傅雷的“重神似不重形似”和钱钟书的“化”境,都强调了做好两种语言转换应遵守的重要原则,是我们进行法律文件翻译时要牢记的。由于中文法律行文简洁、明了,言简意赅,在翻译时更要强调“重神似不重形似”。翻译的关键在于理解,读懂原文,理解句子中用词的深层含义,然后如何做好进行语言的转换,做好从原语转换 到译入语 ,

法律文件翻译是法律语言的转换,要做到 译入语 准确无误地表达原语的真正含义,无论在用词上及句子结构上都必须做到的“信”、“忠实”。为了体现法律文件的权威性,保证 译入语 不走样,只有对原语中的字面含义进行 语内译 ,把深层的含义译出,才能进入“重神似不重形似”的境界。

做好法律文件的中译英,对中文的法律用词的理解是关键,不从深层次上去理解,必然会导致译文的不准确,或意思不完整,这就是“重神似”在翻译过程中的具体体现。在对原文用词的深层含义的理解基础上,选择正确的法律语言词汇。我们的准则是: 重理解 原语,正确选好 译入语

1 .关于 “国家有关规定” 的译法:

进行法律文件的 中译英时 ,我们常常遇到这样的词语:“应当符合国家有关规定”、“依照国家有关税收的规定”、“ 依照国家外汇管理规定”等等中“国家有关规定”,如按字面“形”的含义译出,译成“ the relevant state provisions ”或“ the relevant provisions of the state ”显然不正确,没有把深层含义译出。按照牛津高阶英汉双解词典的定义, provision 〔 C 〕意为 condition or stipulation in a legal document ,比如:“根据协议的规定”可译成:“ under the provisions of the agreement ”。上面“国家有关规定” 译成“ the relevant state provisions ”,把国家与法律文件( a legal document )等同起来显然不妥。那么,“国家有关规定”应怎么理解才能使译文符合原文的含义?首先,我们应清楚,“国家法规”应包括两大部分,即由全国人民代表大会发布的法律 (laws) 和由国务院及国务院有关部门发布的行政法规 (regulations) 。故“国家有关规定”一般应理解为“国家颁发的有关法律、法规的规定”,译成 : “ the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations issued by the state ”。然而,“国家有关规定”已成了“国家有关部门的规定”的习惯用语,因此,应译成:“ the provisions of the relevant regulations issued by the state ”。这样就把“国家有关规定”的“神似”的含义译出来了。



原译文: A company’s name shall be in conformity with the relevant provisions of the State.


按上面的“重神似”的原则,原文“国家有关规定”应译成: the provisions of the relevant regulations issued by the State


A company ’ s name shall be in conformity with the provisions of the relevant regulations issued by the State.



原译文: “ Enterprises with foreign capital shall pay taxes in accordance with relevant state provisions for tax payment, and may enjoy preferential treatment for reduction of or exemption from taxes.”




Enterprises with foreign capital shall , in accordance with the provisions of the relevant regulations issued by the State on tax payment , pay taxes and may enjoy preferential treatment for reduction of or exemption from taxes.


原文: “外国公司在中华人民共和国境内设立的分支机构的登记,按照国务院的有关规定办理。”

原译文: “ The registration of a branch as subsidiary set up by a foreign company within the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State Council.”


1 ) 公司的分支机构有两类,一是分公司( branch ),二是子公司 (subsidiary) ,原文中的“分支机构”是泛指,应理解为包括分公司和子公司,应译成 a branch or a subsidiary 。

2 ) 原文中的“按照国务院的有关规定办理”不能简单译成 “in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State Council” ,这样译法只能定位“重形似”,这里需要对原文进行深层的理解,应理解为“按照国务院有关行政法规的规定办理”,按照我国的法律制度,法律由全国人民代表大会颁发,国务院负责制定行政法规,我们所说的国务院的有关规定,实际上是指“国务院制定颁发的有关行政法规的规定,”因此应译成: “ in accordance with the provisions of the relevant administration regulations issued by the State Council.”


The registration of a branch or a subsidiary set up by a foreign company within the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the relevant administration regulations issued by the State Council .

2 .关于“ 依法 ”的译法:

中文法律文件中“依法” 与“有关法律法规”中“法律”不一样。“有关法律法规”中“法律”,是指具体的某部法律,这里的英文 law 是可数名词,因此要译成 the relevant laws and regulations 。而 “依法” 是指“依照法律”之意,是指整体法的泛指,应译成 in accordance with law ,也可译成 in accordance with the law ,这里的 law 是不可数名词,意为 body of such rules 即(整体的)法,法律。 下列各例中 的“依法”都为不可数名词。



对外贸易经营者 依法 自主经营、自负盈亏。


Foreign trade dealers shall, in accordance with the law , enjoy full autonomy in their business operation and be responsible for their own profits and losses.



国务院外汇管理部门及其分支机构(以下统称外汇管理机关), 依法 履行外汇管理职责,负责本条例的实施。


The foreign exchange control department under the State Council and the branches thereof (hereinafter referred to as foreign exchange control organs) shall, in accordance with law , perform the functions of foreign exchange control and be responsible for the implementation of these Regulations.



Whenever the United States government or any officer or agency thereof shall provide pensions or other aid for the aged, cooperation by the State therewith and therein is hereby authorized in such manner and to such extent as may be provided by law .


1 )   原文“ any officer or agency thereof ” 应译成 “ 任何政府官员或政府机构 ” , thereof 是法律英语用词,意为 “of the United States government” 。

2 )   原文“ therewith and therein ” 是法律英语用词,分别意为 “with the United States government or any officer or agency thereof ” 和 “in providing pensions or other aid for the aged” 。因此,原文 “cooperation by the State therewith and therein ” 应译成: “ 本州协助联邦政府、政府官员或政府机构提供的上述养老金或其它帮助 ”

3 )   原文“ hereby ”是英语法律条款中常用的副词,意为:“特此,因此,兹”。

4 )   原文“ by law.” ,文中的 “by law” 是 “ 依法 ” 、 “ 按照法律 ” 之意,是不可数名词。


无论何时美国联邦政府或任何政府官员或政府机构应向老年人提供养老金或其它帮助,本州协助联邦政府、政府官员或政府机构提供的上述养老金或其它帮助, 按照法律 可能规定的方式和程度,应特此予以授权。

3 .关于 “ 一方,另一方 ”的译法:

“一方,另一方”在法律、合同文件经常出现的用语,其中“一方”是指“当事人一方”、“当事人中的任何一方”之意。在 中译英时 ,不能按字面翻译,译成 one party 或 one of the Parties, 从英文字的含义来说 one party 是指 a particular party 之意,是确指,而 either ,按牛津高级词典解释,是指两者之一。在法律条文中的“一方”往往是指“当事人中的任何一方”,应当译成 either party 或 either of the parties 。 下例各句中 “一方”都是“当事人中的任何一方”之意。



当事人达成仲裁协议, 向人民法院起诉的,人民法院不予受理,但仲裁协议无效的除外。


原文中的“一方” , 根据本条文含义,“ 一 方向人民法院起诉的,”是指“达成仲裁协议当事人中的任何一方”,而决不是指“向人民法院起诉的一方”是确定的。因此这里的“一方”不译成 one party 或 one of the Parties ,应当译成 either party 或 either of the parties 。


A people’s court shall not accept an action initiated by either of the parties if the Parties have concluded and entered into an arbitration agreement, unless the arbitration agreement is invalid.





After either party violates a contract, the other party shall take proper measures to prevent the increase of the losses. Provided that where the other party fails to take proper measures so that the losses are increased, the party in question shall not claim any compensation in relation to the increased losses.



当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定,给对方造成损失的,损失赔偿额应当相当于因违约所造成的损失,包括合同履行后可以获得的利益,但不得超过违反合同一方订立合同时预见 到或者 应当预见到的因违反合同可能造成的损失。

参考译文 :

Where either party to a contract fails to perform the contract obligations or its performance fails to satisfy the requirements and provisions of the contract and causes loss to the other party, the amount of compensation for losses shall be equal to the losses caused by the breach of contract, including the obtainable gains after the performance of the contract, provided that the amount of compensation shall not exceed such probable foreseen losses caused by the breach of contract as has been foreseen or as shall be foreseen when the breaching party concludes the contract.

4 .关于“ 中央储备粮 ”的译法:

中央储备粮 ”意为“中央人民政府的储备粮”,应译成: grain reserves of the central people ’ s government ,而不能按字面意思译成: the central grain reserves 。按照牛津英文词典的字义解释, central: (1) 意为 “of, at, near or forming the centre of sth ” (中央的,在中心的,形成中心的)。例如, We live in central London. (我们住在倫 敦 中部); Our house is very central, i.e. is in or close to the centre of the town. )(我们的房子就在市中心)。( 2 )意为 having overall power or control (有全部权力或控制力的)。例如, central government, i. e . the government of the whole country, as contracted with the local government. (中央政府,即区别于地方政府)。

以上可见“中央储备粮”,既不是“处于中心的储备粮”,也不可能是“有全部权力或控制力的储备粮”,而是“中央人民政府的储备粮”,应译成: grain reserves of the central people ’ s government 。请看以下例子:




参考译文 :

These Regulations are formulated and enacted in order to strengthen the administration of grain reserves of the central people’s government , ensure their authentic quantity, high quality and safe storage of the reserves in question, safeguard farmers’ interests, maintain the stability of the grain market, and play the effective role of grain reserves of the central people’s government in the State macro-control system.

5 .关于“ 技术规范 ”的译法:

所谓“技术规范”是指对建造某一项目的技术要求和范围,规定了所用材料的质量和工艺标准,应译成 technical specifications ,而不应译成 technical norms 。

按照牛津英文词典的字义解释, specifications 意为 details and instructions describing the design, materials, etc of sth to be made or done ( 规格;规格说明 ) 。例如, specifications for building a garage (建造车库的规格说明); the technical specifications of a new car ( 新汽车的技术规范 ) 。而 norms 则意为 standard or pattern that is typical (of a group, etc) , You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in. (在社会中生活就要遵循社会行为准则。)

以上可见 specifications 主要用于技术上的要求,标准和规范,而 norms 主要用于行为准则,规范。下面 各例都是 指技术规范,都用 specifications 。



中国储备粮管理总公司直属企业、中央储备粮代储企业(以下统称承储企业)储存中央储备粮,应当严格执行国家有关中央储备粮管理的行政法规、规章、国家标准和 技术规范 ,以及中国储备粮管理总公司依照有关行政法规、规章、国家标准和 技术规范 制定的各项业务管理制度。


The enterprises directly subordinated to the China Grain Reserves Corporation and the enterprises entrusted with the storage of grain reserves of the central people ’ s government (hereinafter collectively referred to as the storing enterprises) shall, in the storage of grain reserves of the central people ’ s government, strictly comply with the administrative regulations, rules, national standards and technical specifications on the administration of grain reserves of the central people ’ s government, and with the various business management systems formulated by the China Grain Reserves Corporation in accordance with the relevant administrative regulations, rules, national standards and technical specifications .

例 2:


Specification ” means the specification of the Works included in the Contract and any modification thereof or addition thereto under Clause 51 or submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer.


规范 ”是指合同规定的工程 规范 ,以及任何根据第 51 条或由承包人提出并经工程师批准的对 规范 的修改或增补。

6 .关于“ 但、但是 ”的译法:

法律条文中的“ 但、但是 ”不能按 不 字面意思,译成 but ,这种译法意思并不准确。按 “ 重神似 ” 的原则,应把 “ 但、但是 ”内在含义译出。法律条文往往在同一个条文中对某事作了规定后,需要作进一步规定时,在语气上常常用“但是”“但”等词表转折,然而,法律条文中的“但是”“但”,并不是我们平常意义中的“但是”,是法律上的“进一步规定”之意,法律英语中,我们常用 provided that , provided also that, provided however that 或 provided further that 来表示。在美国的法律文件中通常在 provided 和 that 之间用 逗号逗开 ,写成: provided , that ; provided , also , that ; provided , however , that 或 provided , further , that 来表示,这些词组都表示“但规定”,“进一步规定”“但是”等意。



受要约人在承诺期限内发出承诺,按照通常情形能够及时到达要约人, 因其他原因承诺到达要约人时超过承诺期的,除要约人及时通知受要约人因承诺超过期限不接受该承诺的以外,该承诺有效。


If the offeree dispatches the acceptance within the time limit for acceptance which can reach the offeror in due time under normal circumstance, but the acceptance reaches the offeror beyond the time limit because of other reasons, the acceptance shall be effective, except that, the offeror informs the offeree promptly that it does not accept the acceptance because it exceeds the time limit for acceptance.


译文中的 but 显然是按字面的意思译出,按“重神似”的原则,应译成 provided that 。把译文的其他错误改正,此句可改为:


When, within the time limit for acceptance, the offeree dispatches the acceptance, the acceptance in question will, in normal circumstances, reach the offeror in time. Provided that if , because of other reasons , the acceptance reaches the offeror beyond the time limit, the acceptance shall remain effective, except that, the offeror promptly informs the offeree that the offeror in question refuses to accept the acceptance because the time limit for acceptance has exceeded.



The accounts of every such public corporation heretofore or hereafter created shall be subject to the supervision of the state comptroller, or, if the member or members of such public corporation are appointed by the mayor of a city, to the supervision of the comptroller of such city; provided, however , that , this provision shall not apply to such a public corporation created pursuant to agreement or compact with another state or with a foreign power, except with the consent of the parties to such agreement or compact.


1 )   原文“ provided, however , that ,” 为法律英语中常用短语,用于法律条款对某事作规定后,需要作进一步规定时使用,这里译成 “ 但规定 ” 。

2 )   原文“ pursuant to ” 为法律英语中常用短语,译成“根据”。

3 )   原文“ a foreign power” 这里是泛指,译成 “ 外国机构 ” ,其实 “ power” 按照具体情况可译成 “” 很有权力或影响力的人、团体或国家,即 “person, group or state with great authority or influence” 之意。


本宪法 制定颁发时或之后设立的所有此类公共公司的 帐户 应受州财务总监的监督,或者,如果此类公共公司的成员是由某一市的市长任命的,则应受该市的财务总监的监督;但规定,本规定不应适用于根据与另一州或外国机构签订的协议或契约而成立的公共公司,但经该协议或契约双方当事人同意的除外。

7 .关于“ ”的译法:

法律条文中经常出现:“ 不 …….. 的”的用语,这里的“不”一般不译成 do not ,应用 fail to do 来表示。 do not 为非法律用语,应用法律正式用语 fail + 不定式表示。按照牛津英文词典的字义解释,“ fail to do sth ”意为“ forget, neglect or be unable (to do sth ) ”,即忘记、忽视或未能(做某事)之意。





If a company does not apply for the cancellation of registration after the liquidation of bankruptcy or dissolution has concluded, the business license shall be revoked by the company registration authority.


译文中 does not apply for 为非正式表达法,应改为 fails to apply for 。另外 authority 为权力, authorities 才是当局,机关、部门之意。


Where a company fails to apply for the cancellation of registration after the liquidation of bankruptcy or dissolution has concluded, the business license shall be revoked by the company registration authorities .



If any party to a case fails to perform the obligations incumbent upon it under a judgement rendered by the Court, the other party may have recourse to the Security Council, which may, it deems necessary, make recommendations or decide upon measures to be taken to give effect to the judgement.


原文的 fails to perform 意为“不履行”, 比 does not perform 正式。原文的 the Court 按照上文的意思,应译成“国际法院”。按照联合国宪章的规定,联合国成员国为任何案件的当事国。因此,原文的 party ,应译成“当事国”


如一案件的任何当事国 不履行 国际法院对其所应负义务的判决时,该当事国可向安全理事会提出申诉。安全理事会如认为必要时,可以就应采取的措施来执行国际法院的判决,提出建议或 作出 决定。

8.       关于“ 基金 ”的译法:

所谓“ 基金 ”是指一笔“专款”,应译成 a fund ,而不译成 funds 。按照牛津英文词典的字义解释, Fund 为可数名词,意为 sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose (专款;基金)。例如, a disaster/ relief fund 赈灾(救济)款; the church restoration fun 教堂修缮基金。又如, International Monetary Fund(IMF) 国际货币基金组织。可见, Fund 为可数名词,一般为单数形式表示某项基金,如非用复数形式 Funds 意思又指 “ 基金 ” ,则意为 “ 多项基金 ” 。 而一般复数形式 funds 则意为 financial resources; money 表示 “ 资金 ” , “ 存款 ” , “ 现款 ”“ 储备 ” 等。例如, government funds 政府的资金。又如, I ’ m short of funds so I ’ ll pay you next week. 我手头缺钱,下星期再付给你吧。因此,在翻译时一定要注意此词单、复数的不同含义。





The State shall establish and improve financial institutions for foreign trade and establish funds for foreign trade development and risk as the development of foreign trade requires.


译文中的 funds 容易引起误解,为 “ 资金 ” 之意。按原文之意,是要建立两项基金: “ 对外贸易发展基金 ” 和 “ 风险基金 ” 。因此,不如分别译成: the development fund for foreign trade and the risk fund ,使意思明白无误。


The State shall establish and improve financial institutions serving foreign trade and establish the development fund for foreign trade and the risk fund to meet the requirements for the development of foreign trade.



The legislature may establish a fund or funds to aid in the stabilization of the tax revenues of the state available for expenditure or distribution.


原文中的 a fund or funds 都是指要建立的“一项或多项基金”。

参考译文 :




Any law creating such a fund shall specify the tax or taxes to which such fund relates, and shall prescribe the method of determining the amount of revenue from any such tax or taxes which shall constitute a norm of each fiscal year.


原文中的 a fund 和 such fund 都是指要建立的“此类基金”。


建立此类基金的任何法律应明确规定与此类基金有关的税收,并应规定确定此类税收收入额度的方法, 该确定 的方法应成为每年财政制度的标准。

9.       关于“ 能够 ”的译法:

法律文件中“能够”一词不译成 can ,要视情况而定,这里的“能够”为中文的法律用语,应理解为“应能”或“应”,一般译成“ to be able to do” 或 “shall do” 。





The domicile certificate of a company refers to the document which can prove that the company has the right to use its domicile.


原文中的“能够证明”应理解为“应证明”,这才是法律上用语,因此 can prove 用得不妥,应为 shall prove ;另外,译文中的关系代词 which 改为 such…as ,使意思表达更加清楚。


The domicile certificate of a company refers to such document as shall prove that the company has the right to use its domicile.



The Security Council shall be so organized as to be able to function continuously. Each member of the Security Council shall for this purpose be represented at all times at the seat of the Organization.


原文中的 to be able to 表示能够之意。


安全理事会应是一个工作效率高的, 继续不断行使职能的组织。为此,安全理事会的各成员国应有常住本组织的代表。



Membership in the United Nations is open to all other peace-loving states which accept the obligations contained in the present Charter and, in the judgment of the Organization, are able and willing to carry out these obligations.


原文中的 are able to 表示能够之意。


其它一切爱好和平国家,接受本宪章规定的义务,并经本组织的认定,确 并愿意履行规定的义务,均可成为联合国成员国。

10.   关于“ 经常项目外汇 ”的译法:

所谓“经常项目外汇”是指国际收支中经常项目使用的外汇。一国的国际收支( balance of payments )包括经常项目( current account ),资本项目( capital account ),以及其它项目。经常项目主要记录有形贸易(即货物贸易),无形贸易(即服务贸易)和单项资本转拨。资本项目主要记录有价证券投资的外国直接投资。因此 “ 经常项目的外汇 ” 应译成 “foreign exchange for current account”, 同理 “ 资本项目的外汇 ” 应译成 “foreign exchange for capital account” 。中文法律文件行文十分简练,有时字面上并没有 “ 经常项目 ” 一词,但在 中译英时 ,应把 “ 经常项目 ” 内在含义译出。





The State shall not restrict the payment in and transfer of foreign exchange for current international transactions.


原文中的“经常性国际支付和转移”应理解为“经常项目交易中的外汇国际支付和转移”,原译文完全按字面意思译出不太准确,其中经常项目没有译出。该段应译成: the international payment and transfer in foreign exchange for current account transactions 。


The State shall not restrict the international payment and transfer in foreign exchange for current account transactions.





1 ) 原文“经常项目外汇收入”应理解为“经常项目交易的外汇收入”译成“ All foreign exchange receipts of domestic institutions from transactions in current account” 。

2 ) 原文“国家有关规定”应译成成“ the provisions of relevant regulations issued by the State” 。


All foreign exchange receipts of domestic institutions from transactions in current account shall be repatriated and shall not be deposited abroad without authorization in violation of the provisions of relevant regulations issued by the State.

11 .关于 “ 中国境内 ”的译法:

所谓“ 境内 ”即“领土内”之意,在 中译英时 ,应把“领土”即 territory 译出。按照牛津英文词典的字义解释, territory 意为 (area of ) land under the control of a ruler, country, city, etc 即领土(的范围)。因此, “ 中国境内 ”应理解为“ 在中国领土范围内 ”,译成 within the territory of China ,而不能简单地译成: in China 。如原文为 “ 中华人民共和国境内 ”则应译成:“ within the territory of the People’s Republic of China” 。





The investments of a foreign investor in China , the profits it earns and its other lawful rights and interests are protected by Chinese law.


原文“中国境内”应译成“ within the territory of China” ,而不能按原译文那样译成 “in China” ,这里 “ 领土 ” 之 意没有 译出。原文“受中国法律保护”应理解为:“应受中国法律保护”,这里 shall 应译出。


The investments of a foreign investor within the territory of China , the profits of the foreign investor in question and its other lawful rights and interests shall be protected by Chinese law.





原文“在中华人民共和国境内”应译成“ within the territory of the People’s Republic of China” 。 原文 “ 禁止外币流通 ” 应理解为 “ 禁止外币流通 ”


The circulation of foreign currencies shall be prohibited, and foreign currencies shall not be used in pricing or in settlements within the territory of the People’s Republic of China .


〔 1 〕 倜 西、董乐山 . 英汉翻译手册〔 M 〕 . 北京:商务印书馆国际有限公司, 2002

〔 2 〕 傅伟良 . 英文合同写作指要〔 M 〕 . 北京:商务印书馆国际有限公司, 2002

〔 3 〕 单其昌 . 汉英翻译技巧〔 M 〕 . 北京:外语教学与研究出版社 ,1990

〔 4 〕 刘宓庆 . 文体与翻译〔 M 〕 . 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司 ,1998


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